BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 17th February

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 17th February

IELTS Writing Task 2

Nowadays many young people seem to have aspiration after running their own business instead of working for a company. This essay strongly believes the advantages of working for yourself can’t not outweigh its drawbacks because if they don’t have enough experience, they won’t be able to conflict with risks and challenges.

One of the prime evidences supporting my idea is the lack of experiences of youngsters. Clearly, being an entrepreneur requires a lot of tactics and personal skill to either confront problems or develop their company and obviously, those, who haven’t worked anywhere, don’t have this ability. For instance, working for a period of time for a company firstly will help pupils not only learn managing skills from their bosses, get used to the pressures but also comprehend multiple knowledge’s in a specific domain. Therefore, there will be fewer risks and un-wanted circumstances when they decide to be self-employment.

Although, running an entrepreneur gives them the opportunities to do whatever they want and also create a sense of autonomy rather than following rules, this may cause severe damages. Solemnly, they may be involved in to rivalry with other associations with no capability to compete against due to not having enough competence for facing burden and a wide vision. For example, in Vietnam, there are a vast number of people who want to be affluence by opening coffee shops, restaurants or buying stocks, but apparently, majorities of them have gone down the drain or even failed at the last hurdle just because they can’t excel their opponents.

To conclude, running a private company brings lots of dangers and uncertain potentialities. In spite of giving you independence and large amount of income, it could make you be insolvent and indigent. Ergo, it is encouraged for youngsters to contemplate gravely before venturing on staring up.


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 17th February

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