BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 4th April

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 4th April

IELTS Writing Task 2
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 4th April

Everyday thousands of people across the globe succumb to road accidents. Many of these crashes involve young drivers. Some people argue that the age limit for driving should be raised to tackle this situation. Although this is a feasible solution, in my opinion, several other measures can be more effective in curbing traffic deaths and injuries.

Raising the legal driving age means that there will be fewer novice drivers on roads. This would certainly make roads safer as young motorists are accountable for about 20 percent road accidents globally. But, how to prevent the other road mishaps which are not caused by teenage drivers. Furthermore, we should keep in mind the fact that the more you resist someone, the more they go against it. Thus, this solution can lead to unauthorized driving by teenagers. This is particularly true for some Asian countries where traffic rules are flouted in broad daylight.

On the other hand, if we focus on the precautionary measures, I believe that road safety can be improved considerably. Firstly, the governing bodies should change the standards for giving driving licenses. Only qualified individuals must be issued a license. Secondly, driving penalty such as small fines, license suspension, drive awareness courses and even prison sentences should be introduced for those who disobey traffic laws.

Thirdly, authorities should pay attention to safe road design. For instance, warning signs for bumps, sharp bends and cameras to monitor the speed limit of vehicles can be of great help. Finally, higher investment in public transport by local councils or governments can be fruitful as it will reduce the number of private cars on roads.

In conclusion, altering the legal age limit to drive can definitely make a difference. Nonetheless, other measures are equally vital, without them it is almost impossible to combat road fatalities. 


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 4th April

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