BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th July

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th July


IELTS Writing Task 2


There are some violent cartoon characters on TV such as Mickey Mouse, which bring negative influence to children. Do you agree or disagree? What types of TV programs are suitable for children?


Children’s mind absorbs everything they see and hear. If they are constantly exposed to cartoons with violence and fighting, it will affect them morally and may lead to teenage violence in the future. Therefore, | agree that violence in cartoons has a detrimental effect on children. A number of arguments support my opinion.

The main detrimental effect of cartoons with violent content on children, is that children become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others. They do not fear violence nor are they bothered by violence in general. If one character gets killed, the other cartoon characters don’t care, and they may even laugh. Such cartoons make violence and even death seem funny and unreal.

Secondly, children try to copy what they see and as a result become aggressive by nature. Young children are unable to realize that when a character attacks someone it is not real and should not be imitated. Research proves that watching violent cartoons decreases the imaginative play for the children, and increases the imitative play in which the child imitates the violent and aggressive actions observed in cartoons.

There are many types of TV programs which may be better for children. Educational cartoons are a good way to instill positive values in a child. It is the parent’s duty to make their children watch cartoons that entertain and educate them, without being violent. Parents must watch the cartoons with their children, and evaluate these cartoons together. Talking with the children about the cartoons they watched is very significant, because parents then will be able to know if these cartoons affect their children positively or not. The government should also take steps to increase the amount of educational programming available to children.

To conclude, children will try to mimic anything they see or hear and cartoon violence is no exception. So, it is the onus of the parents to see to it that they do not see violent cartoon programs and see educational cartoons instead.


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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th July

IELTS Writing Task 2

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