BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th October

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th October


IELTS Writing Task 2


Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of the fear of crime. Some believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime. Others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


The popularity of crime today has made people stay indoors for self-protection. While it is a common belief that reducing the crime rate is a nearly impossible mission, I hold the view that there are certain measures which can convert the world into a safer place to live in.

On the one hand, many people argue that in such current era of moral decadence, any attempts to prevent crime would turn out to be a failure. Poverty and unemployment are considered chief precursors to law violation, and only when these two social issues are eliminated will crime disappear.

However, it is true that a society can only provide a limited number of jobs for its residents, and those who are not lucky enough to receive good education from childhood would find it difficult to pursue a career to make ends meet. Such individuals are lack of both skills and orientation, and from their perspective, becoming a thief might be a better way to survive compared to unstably living on governmental subsidies or performing menial work. It seems that the root of this problem cannot be solved completely, and this is why how to halt law-breaking may remain as an insurmountable question for the government.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that there are still solutions to maintain criminal justice. Firstly, stricter sets of laws are required, and the penalties should be corresponding to the severity of the wrongdoings. In a variety of countries, such as the United Kingdom or Italy, the capital punishment has been abandoned; but I believe it should be reintroduced as the fear of death may deter the potential offenders and stop them from committing serious crime.

Secondly, the government should encourage companies and organizations to expand and run more projects. These actions create jobs; therefore, those who live under the poverty line not only do not have to become pickpockets or burglars for survival but also stand a chance to earn a living with their own clean money.

In conclusion, I believe that the aforementioned measures can create more peaceful communities and ensure the safety of the residents.

IELTS Writing Task 2


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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th October

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