BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 471

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 471

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Obfuscate – to make something unclear or difficult to understand.

Sentence – The politician tried to obfuscate the truth about his involvement in the scandal.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Oblique – not straightforward or direct.

Sentence – She made an oblique reference to the problem without addressing it directly.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Obliterate – to destroy completely.

Sentence – The hurricane obliterated the small island.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Obscure – not well-known or difficult to understand.

Sentence – The author’s early works are somewhat obscure.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Obsequious – excessively eager to please or obey.

Sentence – The obsequious waiter hovered around the table, anticipating the guests’ every need.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Obtuse – slow to understand or perceive something.

Sentence – He was obtuse and didn’t realize that she was flirting with him.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Odious – extremely unpleasant or repulsive.

Sentence – The smell coming from the garbage can was odious.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Omnipotent – having unlimited power or authority.

Sentence – The king was believed to be omnipotent and had the final say in all matters.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Onerous – involving a great deal of effort or difficulty.

Sentence – The new job was onerous and required long hours.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Opulent – rich, luxurious, or lavish.

Sentence – The opulent mansion was filled with expensive furniture and artwork.

Vocabulary Words for IELTS


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BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 471

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

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