BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 477

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 477

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Ambition – a strong desire to achieve something

Sentence: Her ambition to become a doctor was what drove her to study hard.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Drive – the energy and determination to achieve something

Sentence: His drive to succeed in business led him to work long hours every day.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Enthusiasm – intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval

Sentence: Her enthusiasm for music was evident in the way she talked about her favorite artists.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 477

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Initiative – the ability to assess and initiate things independently

Sentence: His initiative in starting his own business was a sign of his entrepreneurial spirit.

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Inspiration – something that stimulates

Sentence: The beautiful scenery was an inspiration for her to start painting.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Motivation – the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way

Sentence: His motivation for working hard was to provide a better life for his family.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 477

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Perseverance – persistence in doing something despite difficulty

Sentence: Her perseverance in learning to play the guitar paid off when she finally mastered a difficult song.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Resilience – the ability to recover quickly from difficulties

Sentence: Despite facing many setbacks, his resilience helped him to keep going and eventually achieve his goals.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Tenacity – the quality of being tenacious, persistent

Sentence: His tenacity in pursuing his dream of becoming an actor eventually paid off when he landed a leading role in a movie.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Self-discipline – the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses

Sentence: Her self-discipline allowed her to stick to a strict diet and exercise regimen.


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BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 477

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

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