BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 510
Ineffable (Adjective): Meaning: Too sacred to be spoken.
Sentence: She felt ineffable joy at the sight of her children
Vitriolic: Bitter, harsh
Sentence: She uses vitriolic language for everyone
Puffy: Looking swollen
Sentence: Her eyes were puffy from crying
Puke: To vomit
Sentence: The baby puked after eating
Gregarious: sociable
Sentence: She is a very gregarious women
Despair: A state where hope is missing
Sentence: Due to his illness, he becomes despair of living
Spineless: Lack courage
Sentence: He is a spineless man
Cupidity: Greedy for wealth
Sentence: This women is marrying for just because she is very cupid
Vocabulary Words for IELTS
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