BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 585
Adjure (Verb):
Meaning: Formal exertion on someone to do something.
Sentence: The doctor adjured his patient to concur for heart surgery.
Badinage (Noun):
Meaning: Witty conversation.
Sentence: We had badinage last night.
Carp (Verb):
Meaning: Complaint continually.
Sentence: Our neighbours keep carping about poor facilities in our county.
Dogmatic (Adjective):
Meaning: Thrusting one’s opinion or beliefs while reluctant to accept those of others.
Sentence: The leader seems quite dogmatic.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS
Effete (Adjective):
Meaning: No longer effective.
Sentence: The chamber is currently exhausted.
Fulminate (Noun):
Meaning: Protest strongly against something.
Sentence: There is always some fulmination to new rules.
Gofer (Noun):
Meaning: Person who runs errands.
Sentence: I am hunting for a gofer.
Hark (Verb):
Meaning: to listen closely or give attention to something
Sentence: All of the children stopped to hark the Christmas carollers singing outside the window.