IELTS Letter – How to Write Impressive IELTS Letter?

IELTS Letter – How to Write Impressive IELTS Letter?



1. Use Real Experience

Whether you asked to write a letter to a friend to discuss a holiday or a visit; or may be asked to write to a landlord to complain about some problems in your apartment try to connect it to some actual experience from your own life, if that is possible. This helps the context of situation to seem more real and is likely to make your written communication appear more convincing and realist to the examiner. It also reduces the pressure of having to think of too many new ideas.

2. Write ‘in good faith’

While this is a test of English and your letter is not addressed to a real person, try not to turn the letter into a ‘joke letter’ by writing things like, ‘Dear Superman,…’ or ending your letter with something like, ‘Yours sincerely, Sleeping Beauty’. While you feel like being playful in the letter it’s better idea to ‘act in good faith’ by writing the letter in a straightforward and genuine way. There is a higher probability of the examiner being impressed this way.

IELTS Letter - How to Write Impressive IELTS Letter?
IELTS Letter – How to Write Impressive IELTS Letter?

3. Make sure the tone is appropriate

The ability to choose a tone that fits in both with the type of letter and the relation shared by the letter writer and the receiver is sure to impress the examiner.

For example, if you are writing officially and to someone you don’t know there, your language should be formal not ‘chatty’ or conversational. Conversely, if you are writing to a close friend you must use an informal style of English to reflect the closeness of the relationship.

4. Use suitable language

Your Examiner will be impressed if you

  • Choose language that reflects the appropriate tone
    • informal or informal

Example 1: I am writing to report the misplacement of my luggage at the airport……(formal)

Example 2: How are things? I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me for a short trip to the hills during the long weekend next month. (informal)

  • Manage variation in verb tense

Letters often require a skillful mix of verb tense and modal use.

Example: I was travelling on your bus but I left my suitcase on it…. I should be very grateful if you would return it to me… I can arrange to collect it from your office…. I shall be in the city on Monday…. Please let me know if this is a suitable time….

  • Use variety of suitable linking language between the sentence in your letter

In letters, it is appropriate occasionally to use expressions that suggest the attitude or judgment of the writer, especially adverbs like, ‘Obviously’: ‘Clearly’: ‘Fortunately’: ‘Unfortunately’:


Unfortunately, I shall not be able to make it to your anniversary dinner tomorrow.

Obviously, I expect the shipment chargers to be refunded given….

Fortunately, I will be able to make it for your birthday after all.

IELTS Letter - How to Write Impressive IELTS Letter?

5. Avoid Repetition

A letter is an opportunity to show command of synonyms and range of formal or informal expression giving a favourable impression of you (the writer) to your examiner. Being over-repetitive makes your letter appear flat and uninteresting.

6. Include the use of interesting expressions and vocabulary

Informal letters, such as letters to friends, are an especially good opportunity to employ the use of idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs. It is however inadvisable to

  • Translate idioms from your own native language into English
  • Use idioms unless you are confident about their relevance and usage.

Example from an informal letter:

I cannot come to the office do with you can Saturday as I have run out of cash and my car’s. Anyway, I’m trying to stop being such a party animal….

7. Keep explanations clear and economical

In case the letter asks you to explain something, make sure the explanation is not too long and complex. It always helps to keep it short and simple.

8. Conclude the letter in an appropriate manner

Every letter should be drawn to a close smoothly. Depending on the tone and the letter, there are different ways this can be achieved.



  • I look forward to hearing from you
  • I should be grateful if you would reply to my letter with some urgency. I trust you will give this matter due consideration and respond at your earliest convenience


  • Hope to hear soon from you
  • Looking forward to hearing from you

Right at the end of the letter you can use various suitable options


  • Your faithfully,/Yours sincerely, (formal)
  • All the best,/Best Wishes, (informal)

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