IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types

IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types

No matter what question you get for IELTS Writing Task 2, your goal should always be to answer the question completely and directly. Take time, every time, to read the prompt carefully and understand it fully. In task 2, you are always required to provide your perspective on a topic. However, there are a variety IELTS Writing question types you may encounter. The charts below present the five basic IELTS Writing Task 2 question types you may encounter. The charts below present the five basic IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types, and offer some tips on how to organize your response for each one.

IELTS Writing Question Types: To what extent do you agree..

  To what extend do you agree…..  
 Sample Question:   Professional athletes in popular sports like football (soccer) and basketball are overpaid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  
You should have two or three body paragraphs.   Each body paragraph should present ONE new reason to support the opinion you express in your thesis statement.  Don’t argue against yourself. Each point you make should agree very clearly with the perspective you take in your thesis.   You don’t need to have a strong opinion. It is perfectly fine to have a balanced argument. In other words, you might mostly agree or disagree with the statement. In the case, it is usually best to write 1 or 2 body paragraphs supporting or opposing the idea from the question. Then, you can write a third paragraph explaining an exception to your argument.   Note: Sometimes you may be asked, “What is your opinion?” for this question type instead of, “To what extent do you agree…?”



IELTS Writing Question Types: Advantages and Disadvantages

  What are some advantages and disadvantages  
  Sample Question:   An increasing number of students choose to spend time away from school to live abroad or gain some other meaningful experience before attending college. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this choice?  
  Body Paragraph 1: Discuss advantages OR disadvantages   Body Paragraph 2: Discuss the opposite side-the side you didn’t discuss in paragraph 1.  Write two longer body paragraphs for this essay: one for each side of the issue.   You should not make a recommendation or take a side unless the directions tell you to! Simply describe the positive and negative points on both sides of the question.  
IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types
IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types



IELTS Writing Question Types: Causes and Solutions to a Problem

  Causes and Solutions to a problem  
  Sample Question:   These days technology performs many kinds of works that people once performed. Many workers have lost their jobs and lack the necessary training to get a new job in the new technological economy. What should be done to solve this problem?  
  If the question only asks for solution….   You should write 2-3 body paragraphs. Each one should focus on ONE different solution to the problem.   If the question asks for causes and solutions….   You should write 2 body paragraphs….   Paragraph 1: Causes of the problem   Paragraph 2: Solutions to the problem  The directions will tell you whether you need to focus your essay on solutions to a problem, or whether you should discuss causes AND solutions.   It is good idea to “hedge” in these essays in order to maintain an academic/formal tone. “Hedging” means that you use careful language to avoid making broad generalizations, or overly confident recommendations.   Examples:   One reason this happened could be…….   I think it is possible that   It may work to try…….   I would suggest……   This approach could help many people to…  



IELTS Writing Question Types: Discuss both sides (and give your opinion)

  Discuss both sides (and give your opinion)  
  Sample Question:   Some people prefer to save money. Others prefer to use their money on things they will enjoy. What is the best approach towards money? Discuss both sides and give your opinion.  
  You’ll need three body paragraphs:
  Body paragraph 1: Discuss the first “side” of the issue     Body paragraph 2: Discuss the second “side” of the issue   Body paragraph 3: Give your opinion
In body paragraphs 1 and 2, you need to present both sides of the argument in a fair and balanced way. Don’t support one side over the other in the first two paragraphs.   When you express your opinion in the third body paragraph, you can: Choose one side over the other very directlyPoint out a problem or limitation to one of the sidesShow how one side is best in one situation, while the other side is best in another situation.   Be careful! Sometimes you are not asked to provide your opinion. In these cases, you should simply discuss both sides of the argument and that’s all!  



IELTS Writing Question Types: Thematic

  Thematic Questions  
  Sample Question:   Many children have access to the internet and devices like smart phones, even at very young ages. Do you think this is a good trend? What rules should children follow related to internet and gadget use?  
  You should answer each question in the prompt in its own body paragraph.   However, you may write an extra body paragraph for one of the questions if you have more to say (or if you need to reach your word count minimum).  This question type is very open. You may be asked to respond in a variety of ways. Read the question carefully!   There will be 2-3 questions related to the same theme in this question type. Simply answer each question in its own paragraph.   Writing your thesis can be tricky for this question type. Just make sure to cover each main point that you will discuss in your body paragraphs. For example, a good thesis statement might look like this for the sample thematic question on this chart:    

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