Importance of idioms

Importance of idioms

Importance of idioms

Idioms are those little phrases by which a person can exaggerate their speaking vocabulary to the examiner. Moreover, it’s the way of making your speech. Fascinating. Number of idioms can be used in your daily speaking. But if you use them in your IELTS examination, those are the one who helps you to achieve high band scores as they are included in the part of lexical resource

Idioms mean what they mean for a reason. For example, idiomatic expressions such as “hot under the collar”, “breathe fire”, and “let off steam” refer to being angry. These three idioms carry the meaning that they do because anger is processed through the image of something hot inside. By being angry, one’s body temperature is raised and that is why many people get red in the face when angry.

Importance of idioms

Also, for instance, the idiomatic expressions “lend someone a hand”, “try your hand at something” and “have your hands tied” all refer to the meaning of performing an action. These idioms carry this meaning based on the image that we use our hands usually to perform most activities. Nevertheless, many other types of idioms are derived from specific domains and specific areas of experience. For example, the idiom

“Clear the decks” which means “to finish a job completely”; the idiom “a leading light” which means “a good example to follow”; and the idiom “be on an even keel” which means “to make steady progress” are all derived from “sailing”. Idioms such as “stick to your guns”, which means “to refuse to change your opinion”; “fight a losing battle”, which means “to be unlikely to succeed”; and “be in the front line”, meaning “to have an important role” are all derived from the domain of “war”.

Other idioms are derived from other experience domains, such as entertainment, cooking or sports. Even though some of these domains may no longer exist and are uncommon today, learning the original context the idiom was derived from and the original image the idiom is based on will help in understanding its meaning. So, if one recognizes the origin of the idiom, one will be able to work out its meaning. As a result, idioms carry their meanings not by coincidence or chance and not for unexplainable reasons. 

Importance of idioms

Despite the difficulty that non-native speakers of English Language might face in realizing and understating the meaning of idioms, understanding idioms and knowing their actual meaning is a necessity. Idiomatic expressions are used in both formal and informal communications. Native speakers of English use idiomatic expressions daily, naturally and spontaneously, unlike non-native speakers of English who lack this very essential language skill. Non-native speakers of English, from various backgrounds, are found incapable of using idiomatic expressions when communicating in English Language and are found incompetent to understand their meanings.

It might not be a piece of cake for non-natives to use idioms but it is considered a vital part of the English Language. As mentioned, idiomatic expressions are used in formal and informal speech. They are part of the standard business, media, and everyday life, talking about written or spoken English. Thus, non-native speakers of English should learn idiomatic expressions in order to be able to communicate effectively and sound more natural and native-like. It could be said that the more a non-native speaker is capable of understanding and using idiomatic expressions, the closer he or she is to the native proficiency of the English language.

Importance of idioms

Idiomatic expressions or idioms should not be neglected and should not be taken for granted.

Idioms are used daily and repeatedly by native speakers of English Language. Idiomatic expressions are a part of every language’s vocabulary and are based on that language history, heritage, and culture. Learning idiomatic expressions helps non-native speakers of a language become more fluent, and sound more native-like. Learning idiomatic expressions increases the vocabulary and lexicon of the English Language learner.

Moreover, idiomatic knowledge leads to a better understanding of the culture and customs of that particular language. English language teachers should teach idiomatic language to their students and not overlook such a vital issue because becoming more native-like in English Language is by learning idiomatic expressions, understanding their meanings and using them frequently parallel to English Language native speakers.

Importance of idioms


Importance of idioms

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Importance of idioms

Importance of idioms

Importance of idioms

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